When we retire, changes in life roles can have a negative impact on our activity levels. This is often because people have difficulty filling the void that is created when our working lives cease. We’ve spent the past forty odd years working the daily grind, dealing with stress, balancing work with social outings and functions and then you take the package, book a well earned holiday and then what?
If you relate to this predicament, you have to part take in activity that stimulates both body and mind. There’s loads of things you can sink your teeth into. We suggest initially writing a list of things you may have always wished to do, it may be to play a musical instrument, dance, learn golf, scuba dive, write a book or learn a certain style of cooking technique, for example.
Perhaps consider something less obvious like volunteering with a charity organisation or community group. If you’ve come from a corporate background you may find you have expertise or valuable contacts in assisting to obtain sponsors or particular managerial skills many organisations are limited in. If you don’t want this much responsibility then perhaps donate a couple of hours per week to help out – there is always plenty to do within the community, you’ll meet people, have a social outlet and feel you’re contributing something worthwhile.
In addition to this, we strongly recommend establishing or maintaining a regular exercise regime. This is terribly important in order for you to maintain a healthy and active retirement. Stay active with cardio vascular and weight training sessions at least 3 times per week. By making exercise part of your schedule you’ll have more years to enjoy travel, family or the grandkids. You’ll be far more mobile and interactive, making a valuable contribution to those close to you.
Retirement shouldn’t be seen as the step before God’s waiting room – it should be seen as an opportunity to enjoy life. So be proactive, not only physically but mentally and make the most of your available time. If you’re having difficulty in getting started In Care Central can help. Just contact us and we’ll get you going socially and physically. You’ll reap the rewards in no time!
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PO Box 291
Buderim Qld. 4556
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