Aged Care

In Care Central want our ageing community to truly flourish and share tips, advice and experiences as to how to best achieve this.

  • Alleviate Wait Room Pressure

    Alleviate Wait Room Pressure There’s many issues facing our health system. A Pandemic certainly hasn’t helped in the mix. A rapidly growing ageing population as our life expectancies increase, challenges with filling a medical workforce, particularly in regional areas, demands on waiting rooms and backlogged consultations and surgeries are just some of the issues we face. There’s no one simple solution but there are ways we can alleviate some of the pressure experienced and that’s by receiving home consultations and health care where possible. Prevention is always the key to avoid our health spiralling out of control to a point where it becomes difficult to enjoy a quality of life,…

  • Spending time outdoors has countless health benefits

    Exploring the outdoors and spending time in nature is the perfect way to desensitise. Our lives are filled with technology and noise. We believe at In Care Central a key part of desensitising is to spend some time in nature. Short walks in botanical gardens, sitting by a babbling creek or waterfall, enjoying the birdlife, walking bare foot, doing some gardening and feeling the salt air of the ocean are just some of the key activities we encourage where possible with our home care and disability care services. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date with some of our client adventures, we’re also working on some…

  • Making the Most of Your Retirement

    Making the Most of Your Retirement When we retire, changes in life roles can have a negative impact on our activity levels.  This is often because people have difficulty filling the void that is created when our working lives cease.   We’ve spent the past forty odd years working the daily grind, dealing with stress, balancing work with social outings and functions and then you take the package, book a well earned holiday and then what? If you relate to this predicament, you have to part take in activity that stimulates both body and mind.  There’s loads of things you can sink your teeth into.  We suggest initially writing a list…

  • Why Weight Training is So Important

    Diet is a great way to ensure you fuel your body with the required nutrients it needs but you also have to maintain some kind of exercise regime no matter what the age or disability. Resistance or weight training, helps maintain and improve bone density which is vital as we get older. With age we tend to be more prone to falls and fractures and good bone density minimises the impact of these falls. Weight training also improves our strength, balance, posture, muscle length and mobility or range in motion which helps significantly when carrying injuries or living with a disability. It also improves our circulation which decreases the risk of…

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