• The Importance of Respite

    The longer we work within NDIS the higher the importance has become evident for both a participant and primary carer to take some time and enjoy some respite. Unfortunately this does not prove to be an easy feat for many. For years they’ve become self dependent on providing care, dealt with the myriad of health issues and care changes and to think prior to NDIS many of these people have managed the care of their loved ones by themselves, there’s no wonder there’s primary carers out there who are completely depleted because they’ve had to neglect their own care and well being for far too long. NDIS have identified carer…

  • Effective Rehabilitation

    Keys to Effective Rehabilitation Many of us in some point in our lives strain a muscle, tear ligaments, break bones, dislocate joints or undergo surgery.  With any injury or surgical procedure a rehabilitation process is necessary.  The duration and extent of this process is of course determined by the severity of the injury sustained or the procedure undertaken. If you become subject to an injury or are present when someone sustains one, the appropriate first aid procedure to remember is the R.I.C.E principal, which includes: Rest the injured body part immediately Ice the injured site Compress the injured site Elevate the injured limb Following this protocol will assist with pain…

  • Diabetes – we can’t ignore it

    Have we truly given Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease much consideration? Diabetes effects over two million people in Australia alone with approximately 750,000 Australians suffering from Type 2 Diabetes unknowingly! Diabetes is a result of the pancreas being unable to make sufficient insulin, a hormone that metabolises glucose. Without sufficient insulin the body builds up glucose in the bloodstream rather than it traveling into the body’s cells where energy is made. There are 2 types of Diabetes, ‘Type 1’ and ‘Type 2’ Diabetes can occur at any age and is a result of the pancreas being unable to produce insulin because the cells that make it have been destroyed by…

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